

Saturday 28 March 2015

Our Masks

Do your own post about how your mask making has gone, take some pictures of your masks and include them.

Next term we will work on moving and performing with masks.Like this year 7 class-

Find 2 examples of mask being work in live performances, it may be dance.

Image result for theatre masks

Sunday 15 March 2015

Commedia del ' Arte

Commedia dell'arte is a theatrical form characterized by improvised dialogue and a cast of colorful stock characters that emerged in northern Italy in the fifteenth century and rapidly gained popularity throughout Europe.

I saw a play at Court Theatre last December that was based on Commedia del'Arte traditions; it was very funny with lots of slapstick humour and audience participation. Have you seen any shows- TV, film, street theatre- which have a lot of physical comedy? Find an example, like this one... and share it with us.

Video to watch

Creating characters through MASK

As you comment on this post please pate your blog url into the comment line so we can build up our links. Thies encyclopedia site is a good summary of European mask types historically.

Theatrical uses

Masks have been used almost universally to represent characters in theatrical performances. Theatrical performances are a visual literature of a transient, momentary kind. It is most impressive because it can be seen as a reality; it expends itself by its very revelation. The mask participates as a more enduring element, since its form is physical.

Watch the video and describe what you saw on your blog, then find a different kind of mask in use [on a video] and share it with us by putting the url link in the comments